18 Nisan 2010 Pazar


Education and morals system of the arabs broken. how much more we will belt explosive of the women and children? When time same people leave to sympathize to carry weapons?

morals systems have a breakdown and about education systems have breakdown on the cultural systems.we are not succesful  management to dialogue and argument even though hide back to slogons, poems, idiom of the grief.those slogons, idioms, all of values say to us that must be teach manners on the arguments, enmity even more wars.fights and policy crises have occure because of footbal games. We are  witnessing insult and exploite on the newspaper page and politics corridors even more arap union summit. Morever, do not accountability and dismissal who says lies. Saddam hussein was overthrown oldest ıraq president but anyone  did not overthrown his sovereign on the representattive arabs world, nor accept to of the Saddam petrol and which come to whisky. Saddam hussein died and we forget all things. Represantative of Saddam contunied to remain on the policy and media stage.
 There was nor control and inspections…
Fall on the dialog common denominator

 All of not limit so much. We can find among to use who sympathize to carry weapons. Weapons persons cut innocent head and taken to god forbidden to life trying to lies fort them. Shout cultere on the television programs became claims whose  degree competitions, faculty officals or science students occured common denominator fall dialogs.
You will be see values ranks like talks policy İslam, women rights, minority.at the moment living condition from atlantic ocean to all of arab world.you can not anything creation and optimistic from television serial to movies and everything have violence, sex, narcotic, divorce on the enjoy sector. This case do not give to positive light our life and we are not show to respect to creative people.

Education tools have backwarded

 Education systems and using tools backward on the arab world back to  basis principles our educations are not creative. moral systems are not rewiev to change  challange and contemprary changes. teachers and professors  forget to professionals. Their missions are development to themselves and taught to everyhing to take age and take to their horizons.
However, institution forget developing to education tool before to basis principles content development. Those need to sciences and material development. That is true to this method implementation but reality scare and espaciality regularly population developing quickly developing to tools on the century future is unknown.

Graves being bombed even
  These my expressions that means to take preach or anger everywhere trying to research reality ranks.when we will be say enough? How we can see waist belt of explosives wrapped a child 10 year old would be case? When we will say not? How we can remain silence explosives force children and women wearing belt explosives? Evenmore how much we can silent paces worship, people, animals even cemetery are bombing? Our religion taught to us not to betray, not to women, children, old people, innocent people,and not to kill to prisoners of war, not to cuts trees, or buidings were taughtnot to collepse? Why we not admit that teher is a real failure and  and we give up to repair weak excuses?


12 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi


1994 yılında gazeteciliğe başlayan Evrim Alataş, bugüne kadar Yeni Politika, Demokrasi, Özgür Bakış, Ülkede Özgür Gündem, Evrensel,Birgün, Özgür Politika, Esmer dergisinde görev aldı. Alataş son olarak Taraf Gazetesi'nde köşe yazarlığı yapıyordu.
Gazeteci-yazar Alataş'ın 'Mayoz Bölünme Hikayeleri' ve 'Her Dağın Gölgesi Deniz'e Düşer' adlı kitapları bulunuyordu.
Alataş, 2009 yılında 46. Uluslararası Antalya Altın Portakal Film Festivali'nde "Min Dît" adlı Diyarbakır üzerinden Kürt dünyasını ve savaş mağduru çocukları konu edinen filme yazdığı senaryo ile Behlül Dal Jüri Özel Ödülü'nü almıştı..

8 Nisan 2010 Perşembe

Need to cut share or mustaches

   How Merkel can keep up determination Turkey’s full membership on the European Union. A morning, which is one of Germany’s most important technology park in Alderson. 30 year old physicist entered the institute of center physical chemistry everyday at seven o’clock the quarter. In the his hands has a pitcher Turkish coffee to offer their counterparts, physicists have recently completed doctoral dissertation, working in the academy of sciences, twenty-five years later on a television program against to leader of the German Social Democrat Frank-Walter. As a German chancellor and would not bring it to mind.
    Angela Merkel’s before visit to Turkey, two words was reached by pres that some kind of allergic effect in Turkey: first, privileged partnership, before two years ago, prime minister recap Tayyip Erdoğan speaking of sentence to remember by opposite group: the Turkish schools should be open on the Germany .
   Last week occurred this tension, is not visiting the poor, rather than really super floes, and instead of spending time with supererogatory kindness really is pregnant with his head that openers can be a sign the decision. Physicist Merkel as know very well, ‘each impulse response gives birth’’. This effect and reactions may go accelerate traffic; two countries are also having a reflection change process that occurred battle messages.
   Germany is engine of European Union; economic crisis work altogether to Germany is transform country. ‘Angry closing out, a more conservative and biased’. A one time before remember how turkey seemed from the outside. Turkey, problems with their neighbor, inside a closed, protectionist economy, strong traditional Muslim country. Mind of the German features combine a single image, in recently years. Despite increasingly bias veiled, conservative and wild mustache. Workers who immigrated to Germany were a photo at the 1960’s. But now finished to prejudices, prolong question to answer quickly now. Turkey has opened in many cases; Cyprus, Armenia, Kurdish problem, such as the development of democratic values… when opening the turkey want to increase answer to the Europe. But the opposite country seems more and more ‘’mustache’’.
   Germany, will Merkel take European Union leadership enough had expected under the command? Would be turkey on the Europe? For example changing, albeit painful on this way European Union can succeed to encourage turkey?  For this from the visa to negotiating topics, guarantee full membership in the solution of the Cyprus issue, Europe union got the courage too keep it? While Merkel on the turkey, there are more reasons now for these questions.
   Turkey opens iron curtain in recent years. More important steps being taken by turkey, democratization, many are missing, a political selfishness, despite the awkwardness turkey’s economy is growing unlike the European Union, European Union economy installed to Germany economy. As well as important actors both region and world of turkey have more questions for answer. Do we really want to European Union membership? While we are not so sure of privilege partnership, why so many are to be missing negotiated? Although the European union, do we have a really stable in developing the capacity? Democratic values, life of women to improve the quality, secularism, human rights and freedom. Angelika Merkel speak in ambitious like recap Tayyip Erdoğan, but is not still ready negotiate so detailed they seems like, however may be opportunities musings.

YARAÇ, Nevra (2010) Ya traşı kesmek gerek, ya da bıyıkları, Türkiye Newsweek, 4 Nisan