29 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba


intresun: NEGOTIATING FRAMEWORK: "NEGOTIATING FRAMEWORK (Luxembourg, 3 October 2005) Principles governing the negotiations 1. The negotiations will be based on Turkey's ow..."

20 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi



Turkey: The Quest for Identity (Turkish name of the book: Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye)
İSTANBUL: Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
18.00TL, ISBN 975-6176-68-7

A lot of books had write about modern turkey history and ottoman state of history but any books have not write likes enjoying of history books. However book has a lot of knowledge and reality issues. İ will be trying to present to books. Topic of the Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye’ start to with was born of Ottoman dynasty and books finish topic of the European Union framework document. Book has both full of knowledge about modern turkey history and enjoying when we read book. However this book origin language English and published English language, so I mean we have luck for published English language because many universities student, political, experts, professionals can read about ottoman history and modern turkey history. Because many books published Turkish language but this book could be read everywhere for have English language. Feruz ahmed has many academic books and articles. So I mean Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye’ book is the most important book among the other his books. Because books were writing impressive and simply a language and book do not depress when we read.

Turkey: The quest for identity have a emerged seven section that we can divided two section because books started with ottoman history and after the collapse of ottoman empire, turkey founded on the ottoman land that feruz ahmed was trying to writing to modern turkey history. Firstly, on the firstly three chapter, there are ottoman history state to empire process in the 1300-1789, reform to revolution on the empire between in the 1789-1908 period, and in the third chapter authors want to explain to constitutionalism term. Author explained shortly ottoman of history that author can explain more detail because Ottoman Empire the biggest state among the other empires last centuries. And Ottoman Empire influenced on the economic, politic, trade, sea, and trade of transportation of the world that empire lived 600 years on the world. Ottoman Empire was many wars among the other states and was accepted many treaty. So I mean, author would be more explain treaties, wars, peace agreement. But on the other hand author have right because Feroz Ahmed want to trying to explain modern turkey identity and only want to explain Turkish history on the page of the history. Now, we can see process of Ottoman Empire change, developing military and grow strong, fatih sultan mehmet and influence on the empires’ history.

The other side if we could want to 1789 – 1908 process we can see some reform because after the French revolution, Ottoman Empire affected on the French revolution results so many reforms accepted by sultana. The other side the most important issues are western movements or modernization ideas. After the French revolution many policy and international policy systems, economic systems was changed by French revolution and ottoman empire was a big empire and have had many lands so empire results of the French revolution affected and many minorities split of the empire land. Of course empire was a weak about policy, economy, military and foreign policy. However, I want to give a explain last days I read a book that name of the book our history and us (tarihimiz ve biz) his Ilber Ortaylı. İlber ortaylı want to explain European revolution effect on the ottoman life because many economy manufacture and industries was changed. So after the French revolution, liberalism economies strengthen and ottoman economy could not competitor against to western economies.

The other important issues reforms and wars among 1908 and 1918 period. On this term there was changed constitution, Balkan wars among ottoman ant the other western countries, and ottoman was making alliance with Germany. The most important issues first world war started and the result of the I. world war ottoman collapsed and many state emerged on the ottoman empire however modern turkey also was emerged on the these lands. I want to say author did not explain nicely and quietly. Because author would be explain more because the result of the firstly war 50 million people died and 90 million people was disabled .however many countries was emerged on the European and many countries collapsed. For example A.haluk author write a book about first world wars and author example to economy and the other reasons. Author says that, million people were died by countries and political systems and an economy system was changed on time by 1.world wars. According to author, feroz ahmad, after the world war, modern turkey was born and tihis modern world growth on the ottoman history. If we want to modern turkey political and history we should understand ottoman history because turkey was founded on the this history. So feroz ahmad explained shortly for foreign students and the other readers. It is very nice for readers however authors write simply a language.

Modern turkey history, turkey republic state founded after the 1.world war and ottoman empire collapsed the result of the world wars. Author had written modern turkey on the last four chapter of the book. We can see on the fourth chapter of the book, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk explained of his influence on the history, revolution and revolution to independent. The other chapters we can also see, after the II.world war started to cold wars between soviet union hegemony and American state union that this cold wars effected of turkey policy, 1960’ military coup, 1961 constitutions, Cyprus issues on the 1974, 1980 military coup and 1981 military constitutions, military, political parties, globalization, Kurdish issues, European union candidate. Author explained very nicely and when we read to book, book is not boring even that, it is enjoying about modern turkey history. Main focus of the book is a democratization of the turkey process. Majority political party’s terms started in these terms.

Modern turkey when was founded by Mustafa kemal that kemalism ideology was effected on the ideology of the state among 1918 and 1938 terms. In this term, state had have weak economic, state have not enough strong economic and policy because there were minorities issues, signed Lausanne treaty and many land was lost result of the I. world wars. Authors, generally tried to explained to democratization process but other hand author could be explained to the other issues, for example state have not enough capital for deploy and many people was unemployment, in this time agriculture sector was strong and other hand state have not industry. I think author could be explaining with polical process. For example Serdar Şahinkaya trying to example economic building and process political on the own his books.

After the 1938, when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk died, CHP (republic people’ party) influence on the political life until the 1945 election. In this term only a one party was stronge among political party, however in this time there was not enough political parties because many parties was closed. On the other side according to author, Feruz Ahmad, on this process, turkey have not enough democratic system a country because of secular state was under threat by against republic movement. Feruz Ahmad tried to shortly in this term for example we can see more knowledge on the Ahmet Makal’ of book. Ahmet Makal was explaining economies issues and the result of economic issues democratic systems and democratization is not not complain on the own books.

First military coup emerged on the turkey by 38 military officers on the 27 may 1960 and after the 27 may military coup e will be saw 1980 and post modern military coups. The result of military coup state’ constitution changed and this constitution accepted in the 1961. According to many law experts this constitution so libertarian because of everybody can establish union, association and so on. The result of the constitution many political parties founded and everybody can make to policy. The other hand prime minister and president of Democrat Party (DP) general Adnan Menderes and other minister executioned by 27 may military coup on the Yassı ada. According to author this military coup brought democratization and with 1961 constitution was process quickly. Of course we can agree to author because of new constitutions accept to respect to strike to right, human rights, associations rights, labor union rights, political parties rights, abolish to anti-democratic laws. On the other author have to against to execution laws, because Adnan Menderes and his minister executioned by military coup. However many books write about 1960 military coup. Naturally many experts agree to 1961 and other side according to many experts military coup was make demonstrate to turkey democratic process.

The other last chapter of the book author explained 1980 military coup and European Union process term. Kenan Evren his friends make a military coup on the September 1980. The result of 1980 military coup, many people arrested, abolished to labor union, associations, forbidden political parties. And politicals exiled to abroad. National security committee was founded military coup and civil policy forbidden by national security committee. After the following years 1981 constitution was accepted by people because national security commute making to press to people and this result 1981 constitution was accepted. Many experts and author accept to this coup is anti-democratization completely. The next’s years many acts of the 1981 constitution were changed by civil government. The other issues European Union, Turkey singed Ankara agreement for full membership of European Union but Turkey have not full membership of European Union. Because according to European union Turkey have Kurdish issues, economy issues, unemployment issues, large population issues, minority issues and Cyprus issues and turkey before full membership must be solve these issues. So government tries to changed constitution. Last same years 34 acts were changed by government. In conclusion this book is very useful for about ottoman history and modern turkey. Because very important issues were write by feroz Ahmed. The other sides many detail of issues have not on the book but for many students and expert this book will be useful. In brief, as a critic man, I would to recommend to everybody and everybody has to read this book because our history explains.


ORTAYLI, İLBER 2008, TARİHİMİZ VE BİZ http://kitap.antoloji.com/tarihimiz-ve-biz-kitabi/

ÜLMAN, A.Haluk 2002, 1.Dünya Savaşına Giden Yol ve Savaş http://www.kitapalemi.com/18895-1dunya_savasina_giden_yol_ve_savas.kitap#yazar_

ŞAHİNKAYA, SERDAR 2009, GAZİ MUSTAFA KEMAL ve CUMHURİYET EKONOMİSİNİN İNŞAASI http://www.idefix.com/kitap/gazi-mustafa-kemal-ve-cumhuriyet-ekonomisinin-insasi-serdar-sahinkaya/tanim.asp?sid=NBGP3GP2EM6MVB08374T

MAKAL, AHMET 2001, TÜRKİYE’DE TEK PARTİLİ DÖNEMDE ÇALIŞMA İLİŞKİLERİ:1920-1946 http://www.bidolukitap.com/book/kitap/27016/turkiyede_tek_partili_donemde_calisma_iliskileri:_1920-1946.htm



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