21 Mart 2010 Pazar


                          UNEMPLOYMENT RİSK İS GROWİNG
İnternational labor organization warned that is indication of unemployment icrease which is going worse. İnternational labor organization released a new report titled unemployment that working to revive the economy policies are important should not be finished. international labor organization, the report gives some promising developments in place. accordingly when the world economy recovering from recession signals, The number of dismissal workers was less than estimated in the process of crisis. The latest report of the İLO show that new crisis have impeded that is found.
Actualy in the last year data compiled by organizations in 51 countries to 20 million people lost their jobs. Organization is mentioned that in the early stages of economic recovery should not be expected to increase too much employment.
İnternational labor organization the report says the goverment’s economic recovery to continue to support public expenditures, but in doing so also must create opportunity to increase employment. If this path is tracked and the economic resuscitation policy is abandoned immediately compared to a possible situation of employment is estimated to increase 7 percent was mentioning in the report. Organization also say the policiy to revive ecinomiy is being early finished that have a risk for workers who are working they may be dissmissal from its job.
Unemployment cost
İn the report, early exit from economic policies to revive the economy its well known that create risk of long-term unemployment cirisis. Organizatio also emphasized that it is the proven and realty ,long-term unmeployment people to re-work life is difficult and expensive process. Therefore, preventetion of unemployment in early stage, in accordance with organization, that have an affect is lowering cost in the long run.
Record unemployment in the euro zone: 15 million
The impact of world recession is still strongly felt in the 16-member euro zone unemployment in July reached the highest levels of the last 10 years. According to figures released in July in the euro area unemployment rate to 9.5 percent, the number of unemployed reached 15 million 100 thousand. Since 1999, observed that the highest unemployment rate. 27-member European Union that is in a 9 percent unemployment in July reached about 22 million people was detected. This last record is the highest unemployment since 2005. İt is the remarkable that increase in the unemployment rate at coming out of recession country. . France is coming out of recession in covring three-month period of april-june have been explained. But the unemployment rate in the country in July from 9.6 percent to 9.8 percent. The same three-month period in Germany was out of recession. But here in the unemployment rate falling about 7.7 percent was not seen. Many economist interpret it is normal as a delay between going outside of country from recession and its impact on the unemployment rate.
Finaly, The lowest unemployment country is the netherlands.  As of july last year unemployment rate in this country is %3.4. A positive result can be excluded from the July figure is the capital economics think-tank called jennifer McKeown summarized: within the euro zone unemployment rate figures for July had increased, but shows a slower increase. İt take a long time for market recovering itself

WALKER, ANDREW  İşsizlik Riski Büyüyor, Le Monde diplomatique, Aralık-2009

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