29 Aralık 2010 Çarşamba
intresun: NEGOTIATING FRAMEWORK: "NEGOTIATING FRAMEWORK (Luxembourg, 3 October 2005) Principles governing the negotiations 1. The negotiations will be based on Turkey's ow..."
20 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi
Turkey: The Quest for Identity (Turkish name of the book: Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye)
İSTANBUL: Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
18.00TL, ISBN 975-6176-68-7
A lot of books had write about modern turkey history and ottoman state of history but any books have not write likes enjoying of history books. However book has a lot of knowledge and reality issues. İ will be trying to present to books. Topic of the Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye’ start to with was born of Ottoman dynasty and books finish topic of the European Union framework document. Book has both full of knowledge about modern turkey history and enjoying when we read book. However this book origin language English and published English language, so I mean we have luck for published English language because many universities student, political, experts, professionals can read about ottoman history and modern turkey history. Because many books published Turkish language but this book could be read everywhere for have English language. Feruz ahmed has many academic books and articles. So I mean Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye’ book is the most important book among the other his books. Because books were writing impressive and simply a language and book do not depress when we read.
Turkey: The quest for identity have a emerged seven section that we can divided two section because books started with ottoman history and after the collapse of ottoman empire, turkey founded on the ottoman land that feruz ahmed was trying to writing to modern turkey history. Firstly, on the firstly three chapter, there are ottoman history state to empire process in the 1300-1789, reform to revolution on the empire between in the 1789-1908 period, and in the third chapter authors want to explain to constitutionalism term. Author explained shortly ottoman of history that author can explain more detail because Ottoman Empire the biggest state among the other empires last centuries. And Ottoman Empire influenced on the economic, politic, trade, sea, and trade of transportation of the world that empire lived 600 years on the world. Ottoman Empire was many wars among the other states and was accepted many treaty. So I mean, author would be more explain treaties, wars, peace agreement. But on the other hand author have right because Feroz Ahmed want to trying to explain modern turkey identity and only want to explain Turkish history on the page of the history. Now, we can see process of Ottoman Empire change, developing military and grow strong, fatih sultan mehmet and influence on the empires’ history.
The other side if we could want to 1789 – 1908 process we can see some reform because after the French revolution, Ottoman Empire affected on the French revolution results so many reforms accepted by sultana. The other side the most important issues are western movements or modernization ideas. After the French revolution many policy and international policy systems, economic systems was changed by French revolution and ottoman empire was a big empire and have had many lands so empire results of the French revolution affected and many minorities split of the empire land. Of course empire was a weak about policy, economy, military and foreign policy. However, I want to give a explain last days I read a book that name of the book our history and us (tarihimiz ve biz) his Ilber Ortaylı. İlber ortaylı want to explain European revolution effect on the ottoman life because many economy manufacture and industries was changed. So after the French revolution, liberalism economies strengthen and ottoman economy could not competitor against to western economies.
The other important issues reforms and wars among 1908 and 1918 period. On this term there was changed constitution, Balkan wars among ottoman ant the other western countries, and ottoman was making alliance with Germany. The most important issues first world war started and the result of the I. world war ottoman collapsed and many state emerged on the ottoman empire however modern turkey also was emerged on the these lands. I want to say author did not explain nicely and quietly. Because author would be explain more because the result of the firstly war 50 million people died and 90 million people was disabled .however many countries was emerged on the European and many countries collapsed. For example A.haluk author write a book about first world wars and author example to economy and the other reasons. Author says that, million people were died by countries and political systems and an economy system was changed on time by 1.world wars. According to author, feroz ahmad, after the world war, modern turkey was born and tihis modern world growth on the ottoman history. If we want to modern turkey political and history we should understand ottoman history because turkey was founded on the this history. So feroz ahmad explained shortly for foreign students and the other readers. It is very nice for readers however authors write simply a language.
Modern turkey history, turkey republic state founded after the 1.world war and ottoman empire collapsed the result of the world wars. Author had written modern turkey on the last four chapter of the book. We can see on the fourth chapter of the book, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk explained of his influence on the history, revolution and revolution to independent. The other chapters we can also see, after the II.world war started to cold wars between soviet union hegemony and American state union that this cold wars effected of turkey policy, 1960’ military coup, 1961 constitutions, Cyprus issues on the 1974, 1980 military coup and 1981 military constitutions, military, political parties, globalization, Kurdish issues, European union candidate. Author explained very nicely and when we read to book, book is not boring even that, it is enjoying about modern turkey history. Main focus of the book is a democratization of the turkey process. Majority political party’s terms started in these terms.
Modern turkey when was founded by Mustafa kemal that kemalism ideology was effected on the ideology of the state among 1918 and 1938 terms. In this term, state had have weak economic, state have not enough strong economic and policy because there were minorities issues, signed Lausanne treaty and many land was lost result of the I. world wars. Authors, generally tried to explained to democratization process but other hand author could be explained to the other issues, for example state have not enough capital for deploy and many people was unemployment, in this time agriculture sector was strong and other hand state have not industry. I think author could be explaining with polical process. For example Serdar Şahinkaya trying to example economic building and process political on the own his books.
After the 1938, when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk died, CHP (republic people’ party) influence on the political life until the 1945 election. In this term only a one party was stronge among political party, however in this time there was not enough political parties because many parties was closed. On the other side according to author, Feruz Ahmad, on this process, turkey have not enough democratic system a country because of secular state was under threat by against republic movement. Feruz Ahmad tried to shortly in this term for example we can see more knowledge on the Ahmet Makal’ of book. Ahmet Makal was explaining economies issues and the result of economic issues democratic systems and democratization is not not complain on the own books.
First military coup emerged on the turkey by 38 military officers on the 27 may 1960 and after the 27 may military coup e will be saw 1980 and post modern military coups. The result of military coup state’ constitution changed and this constitution accepted in the 1961. According to many law experts this constitution so libertarian because of everybody can establish union, association and so on. The result of the constitution many political parties founded and everybody can make to policy. The other hand prime minister and president of Democrat Party (DP) general Adnan Menderes and other minister executioned by 27 may military coup on the Yassı ada. According to author this military coup brought democratization and with 1961 constitution was process quickly. Of course we can agree to author because of new constitutions accept to respect to strike to right, human rights, associations rights, labor union rights, political parties rights, abolish to anti-democratic laws. On the other author have to against to execution laws, because Adnan Menderes and his minister executioned by military coup. However many books write about 1960 military coup. Naturally many experts agree to 1961 and other side according to many experts military coup was make demonstrate to turkey democratic process.
The other last chapter of the book author explained 1980 military coup and European Union process term. Kenan Evren his friends make a military coup on the September 1980. The result of 1980 military coup, many people arrested, abolished to labor union, associations, forbidden political parties. And politicals exiled to abroad. National security committee was founded military coup and civil policy forbidden by national security committee. After the following years 1981 constitution was accepted by people because national security commute making to press to people and this result 1981 constitution was accepted. Many experts and author accept to this coup is anti-democratization completely. The next’s years many acts of the 1981 constitution were changed by civil government. The other issues European Union, Turkey singed Ankara agreement for full membership of European Union but Turkey have not full membership of European Union. Because according to European union Turkey have Kurdish issues, economy issues, unemployment issues, large population issues, minority issues and Cyprus issues and turkey before full membership must be solve these issues. So government tries to changed constitution. Last same years 34 acts were changed by government. In conclusion this book is very useful for about ottoman history and modern turkey. Because very important issues were write by feroz Ahmed. The other sides many detail of issues have not on the book but for many students and expert this book will be useful. In brief, as a critic man, I would to recommend to everybody and everybody has to read this book because our history explains.
ORTAYLI, İLBER 2008, TARİHİMİZ VE BİZ http://kitap.antoloji.com/tarihimiz-ve-biz-kitabi/
ÜLMAN, A.Haluk 2002, 1.Dünya Savaşına Giden Yol ve Savaş http://www.kitapalemi.com/18895-1dunya_savasina_giden_yol_ve_savas.kitap#yazar_
ŞAHİNKAYA, SERDAR 2009, GAZİ MUSTAFA KEMAL ve CUMHURİYET EKONOMİSİNİN İNŞAASI http://www.idefix.com/kitap/gazi-mustafa-kemal-ve-cumhuriyet-ekonomisinin-insasi-serdar-sahinkaya/tanim.asp?sid=NBGP3GP2EM6MVB08374T
MAKAL, AHMET 2001, TÜRKİYE’DE TEK PARTİLİ DÖNEMDE ÇALIŞMA İLİŞKİLERİ:1920-1946 http://www.bidolukitap.com/book/kitap/27016/turkiyede_tek_partili_donemde_calisma_iliskileri:_1920-1946.htm
Turkey: The Quest for Identity (Turkish name of the book: Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye)
İSTANBUL: Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
18.00TL, ISBN 975-6176-68-7
A lot of books had write about modern turkey history and ottoman state of history but any books have not write likes enjoying of history books. However book has a lot of knowledge and reality issues. İ will be trying to present to books. Topic of the Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye’ start to with was born of Ottoman dynasty and books finish topic of the European Union framework document. Book has both full of knowledge about modern turkey history and enjoying when we read book. However this book origin language English and published English language, so I mean we have luck for published English language because many universities student, political, experts, professionals can read about ottoman history and modern turkey history. Because many books published Turkish language but this book could be read everywhere for have English language. Feruz ahmed has many academic books and articles. So I mean Bir Kimlik Peşinde Turkiye’ book is the most important book among the other his books. Because books were writing impressive and simply a language and book do not depress when we read.
Turkey: The quest for identity have a emerged seven section that we can divided two section because books started with ottoman history and after the collapse of ottoman empire, turkey founded on the ottoman land that feruz ahmed was trying to writing to modern turkey history. Firstly, on the firstly three chapter, there are ottoman history state to empire process in the 1300-1789, reform to revolution on the empire between in the 1789-1908 period, and in the third chapter authors want to explain to constitutionalism term. Author explained shortly ottoman of history that author can explain more detail because Ottoman Empire the biggest state among the other empires last centuries. And Ottoman Empire influenced on the economic, politic, trade, sea, and trade of transportation of the world that empire lived 600 years on the world. Ottoman Empire was many wars among the other states and was accepted many treaty. So I mean, author would be more explain treaties, wars, peace agreement. But on the other hand author have right because Feroz Ahmed want to trying to explain modern turkey identity and only want to explain Turkish history on the page of the history. Now, we can see process of Ottoman Empire change, developing military and grow strong, fatih sultan mehmet and influence on the empires’ history.
The other side if we could want to 1789 – 1908 process we can see some reform because after the French revolution, Ottoman Empire affected on the French revolution results so many reforms accepted by sultana. The other side the most important issues are western movements or modernization ideas. After the French revolution many policy and international policy systems, economic systems was changed by French revolution and ottoman empire was a big empire and have had many lands so empire results of the French revolution affected and many minorities split of the empire land. Of course empire was a weak about policy, economy, military and foreign policy. However, I want to give a explain last days I read a book that name of the book our history and us (tarihimiz ve biz) his Ilber Ortaylı. İlber ortaylı want to explain European revolution effect on the ottoman life because many economy manufacture and industries was changed. So after the French revolution, liberalism economies strengthen and ottoman economy could not competitor against to western economies.
The other important issues reforms and wars among 1908 and 1918 period. On this term there was changed constitution, Balkan wars among ottoman ant the other western countries, and ottoman was making alliance with Germany. The most important issues first world war started and the result of the I. world war ottoman collapsed and many state emerged on the ottoman empire however modern turkey also was emerged on the these lands. I want to say author did not explain nicely and quietly. Because author would be explain more because the result of the firstly war 50 million people died and 90 million people was disabled .however many countries was emerged on the European and many countries collapsed. For example A.haluk author write a book about first world wars and author example to economy and the other reasons. Author says that, million people were died by countries and political systems and an economy system was changed on time by 1.world wars. According to author, feroz ahmad, after the world war, modern turkey was born and tihis modern world growth on the ottoman history. If we want to modern turkey political and history we should understand ottoman history because turkey was founded on the this history. So feroz ahmad explained shortly for foreign students and the other readers. It is very nice for readers however authors write simply a language.
Modern turkey history, turkey republic state founded after the 1.world war and ottoman empire collapsed the result of the world wars. Author had written modern turkey on the last four chapter of the book. We can see on the fourth chapter of the book, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk explained of his influence on the history, revolution and revolution to independent. The other chapters we can also see, after the II.world war started to cold wars between soviet union hegemony and American state union that this cold wars effected of turkey policy, 1960’ military coup, 1961 constitutions, Cyprus issues on the 1974, 1980 military coup and 1981 military constitutions, military, political parties, globalization, Kurdish issues, European union candidate. Author explained very nicely and when we read to book, book is not boring even that, it is enjoying about modern turkey history. Main focus of the book is a democratization of the turkey process. Majority political party’s terms started in these terms.
Modern turkey when was founded by Mustafa kemal that kemalism ideology was effected on the ideology of the state among 1918 and 1938 terms. In this term, state had have weak economic, state have not enough strong economic and policy because there were minorities issues, signed Lausanne treaty and many land was lost result of the I. world wars. Authors, generally tried to explained to democratization process but other hand author could be explained to the other issues, for example state have not enough capital for deploy and many people was unemployment, in this time agriculture sector was strong and other hand state have not industry. I think author could be explaining with polical process. For example Serdar Şahinkaya trying to example economic building and process political on the own his books.
After the 1938, when Mustafa Kemal Ataturk died, CHP (republic people’ party) influence on the political life until the 1945 election. In this term only a one party was stronge among political party, however in this time there was not enough political parties because many parties was closed. On the other side according to author, Feruz Ahmad, on this process, turkey have not enough democratic system a country because of secular state was under threat by against republic movement. Feruz Ahmad tried to shortly in this term for example we can see more knowledge on the Ahmet Makal’ of book. Ahmet Makal was explaining economies issues and the result of economic issues democratic systems and democratization is not not complain on the own books.
First military coup emerged on the turkey by 38 military officers on the 27 may 1960 and after the 27 may military coup e will be saw 1980 and post modern military coups. The result of military coup state’ constitution changed and this constitution accepted in the 1961. According to many law experts this constitution so libertarian because of everybody can establish union, association and so on. The result of the constitution many political parties founded and everybody can make to policy. The other hand prime minister and president of Democrat Party (DP) general Adnan Menderes and other minister executioned by 27 may military coup on the Yassı ada. According to author this military coup brought democratization and with 1961 constitution was process quickly. Of course we can agree to author because of new constitutions accept to respect to strike to right, human rights, associations rights, labor union rights, political parties rights, abolish to anti-democratic laws. On the other author have to against to execution laws, because Adnan Menderes and his minister executioned by military coup. However many books write about 1960 military coup. Naturally many experts agree to 1961 and other side according to many experts military coup was make demonstrate to turkey democratic process.
The other last chapter of the book author explained 1980 military coup and European Union process term. Kenan Evren his friends make a military coup on the September 1980. The result of 1980 military coup, many people arrested, abolished to labor union, associations, forbidden political parties. And politicals exiled to abroad. National security committee was founded military coup and civil policy forbidden by national security committee. After the following years 1981 constitution was accepted by people because national security commute making to press to people and this result 1981 constitution was accepted. Many experts and author accept to this coup is anti-democratization completely. The next’s years many acts of the 1981 constitution were changed by civil government. The other issues European Union, Turkey singed Ankara agreement for full membership of European Union but Turkey have not full membership of European Union. Because according to European union Turkey have Kurdish issues, economy issues, unemployment issues, large population issues, minority issues and Cyprus issues and turkey before full membership must be solve these issues. So government tries to changed constitution. Last same years 34 acts were changed by government. In conclusion this book is very useful for about ottoman history and modern turkey. Because very important issues were write by feroz Ahmed. The other sides many detail of issues have not on the book but for many students and expert this book will be useful. In brief, as a critic man, I would to recommend to everybody and everybody has to read this book because our history explains.
ORTAYLI, İLBER 2008, TARİHİMİZ VE BİZ http://kitap.antoloji.com/tarihimiz-ve-biz-kitabi/
ÜLMAN, A.Haluk 2002, 1.Dünya Savaşına Giden Yol ve Savaş http://www.kitapalemi.com/18895-1dunya_savasina_giden_yol_ve_savas.kitap#yazar_
ŞAHİNKAYA, SERDAR 2009, GAZİ MUSTAFA KEMAL ve CUMHURİYET EKONOMİSİNİN İNŞAASI http://www.idefix.com/kitap/gazi-mustafa-kemal-ve-cumhuriyet-ekonomisinin-insasi-serdar-sahinkaya/tanim.asp?sid=NBGP3GP2EM6MVB08374T
MAKAL, AHMET 2001, TÜRKİYE’DE TEK PARTİLİ DÖNEMDE ÇALIŞMA İLİŞKİLERİ:1920-1946 http://www.bidolukitap.com/book/kitap/27016/turkiyede_tek_partili_donemde_calisma_iliskileri:_1920-1946.htm
Elmas, Gülen (2001) ‘Küreselleşme Sürecinde Bölgesel Dengesizlikler’, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları
Frank, Andre Gunder-Gills,Barry K. (2003) ‘Dünya Sistemi’, çeviri:Esin Soğancılar, İstanbul:İmge Kitabevi
Giddens, Anthony (2000) ‘Üçüncü Yol’, çeviren: Mehmet Özay, İstanbul: Birey Yayıncılık
Hirst, Paul – Thompson, Grahame, (2001) ‘Küreselleşme Sorgulanıyor’, çeviri: Çağla Erdem, Elif Yücel, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi
King, Antony (2001) ‘Kültür Küreselleşme ve Dünya Sistemi’, çeviri: Gülcan Seçkin, Ümit Hüsrev Yolsal, Ankara: Bilim Sanat Yayınları
Kongar, Emre (2001) ‘Küresel Terör ve Türkiye’, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi
Özkul, Metin (1999) ‘Milliyetçilik ve Küreselleşme’, Türk Yurdu Dergisi, Mayıs Sayısı, s 141
Pogge, Thomas (2006) ‘Küresel Yoksulluk ve İnsan Hakları’, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Selçuk, İlhan, (2000) ‘Gezegensel Bilinç’, Cumhuriyet Gazetesi, 28 Haziran
Sönmezoğlu, Faruk (2000) ‘Uluslararası İlişkiler Sözlüğü’, İstanbul: Der Yayınları
Şaylan, Gencay (1999) ‘Değişim Küreselleşme ve Devletin Yeni Yüzü’, Ankara: İmge Kitabevi
Elmas, Gülen (2001) ‘Küreselleşme Sürecinde Bölgesel Dengesizlikler’, Ankara: Nobel Yayınları
Frank, Andre Gunder-Gills,Barry K. (2003) ‘Dünya Sistemi’, çeviri:Esin Soğancılar, İstanbul:İmge Kitabevi
Giddens, Anthony (2000) ‘Üçüncü Yol’, çeviren: Mehmet Özay, İstanbul: Birey Yayıncılık
Hirst, Paul – Thompson, Grahame, (2001) ‘Küreselleşme Sorgulanıyor’, çeviri: Çağla Erdem, Elif Yücel, Ankara: Dost Kitabevi
King, Antony (2001) ‘Kültür Küreselleşme ve Dünya Sistemi’, çeviri: Gülcan Seçkin, Ümit Hüsrev Yolsal, Ankara: Bilim Sanat Yayınları
Kongar, Emre (2001) ‘Küresel Terör ve Türkiye’, İstanbul: Remzi Kitabevi
Özkul, Metin (1999) ‘Milliyetçilik ve Küreselleşme’, Türk Yurdu Dergisi, Mayıs Sayısı, s 141
Pogge, Thomas (2006) ‘Küresel Yoksulluk ve İnsan Hakları’, İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları
Selçuk, İlhan, (2000) ‘Gezegensel Bilinç’, Cumhuriyet Gazetesi, 28 Haziran
Sönmezoğlu, Faruk (2000) ‘Uluslararası İlişkiler Sözlüğü’, İstanbul: Der Yayınları
Şaylan, Gencay (1999) ‘Değişim Küreselleşme ve Devletin Yeni Yüzü’, Ankara: İmge Kitabevi
Diplomatik Davet
29 OCTOBER 2009
TO: Martti ahtisaari
Phone number:0903223386729 fax number:0903386571
The subject ; Honorary doctorate
I am writing on behalf of the senate university. The senate of the university has decided to offer you on honorary doctorate for your contribution to world politics that your important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades to resolve international conflicts and you have played a prominent role in resolving many conflicts in Namibia, Indonesia, Kosovo and Iraq, among other areas
I would be delighted if you could accept the offer.if you have conduct me there is my adress and phone number.
Best sincerely.
29 OCTOBER 2009
TO: Martti ahtisaari
Phone number:0903223386729 fax number:0903386571
The subject ; Honorary doctorate
I am writing on behalf of the senate university. The senate of the university has decided to offer you on honorary doctorate for your contribution to world politics that your important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades to resolve international conflicts and you have played a prominent role in resolving many conflicts in Namibia, Indonesia, Kosovo and Iraq, among other areas
I would be delighted if you could accept the offer.if you have conduct me there is my adress and phone number.
Best sincerely.
9 Kasım 2010 Salı
cover letter nasıl yazılır? (örnek)
ahmet aydın
100.YIL AVENUE,85141 STREET HOME: 00903222568886
69 BLOK NO:1 fevzipasa -Afyon TEL: 00905468518617
NOVEMBER 08,2009
Dear, Yılan
I am interested in the position of Marketing Manager that was published on Human Resources newspaper in 10 August 2010. I have 2 years work experience with various sector such as real estate and trading sectors that will creat the coordination and implementation of all marketing activities which was wanted in your criteria. İn addition to university academic experience helped me to learn about the professional work life on international marketing and dynamic environment. You will find detailed information about my skills and knowledge in presented resume.
I want to continue my career in your organization company it creats World-famous brands in the fashion industry, Im waiting your reply on this subject
isim soyisim
100.YIL AVENUE,85141 STREET HOME: 00903222568886
69 BLOK NO:1 fevzipasa -Afyon TEL: 00905468518617
NOVEMBER 08,2009
Dear, Yılan
I am interested in the position of Marketing Manager that was published on Human Resources newspaper in 10 August 2010. I have 2 years work experience with various sector such as real estate and trading sectors that will creat the coordination and implementation of all marketing activities which was wanted in your criteria. İn addition to university academic experience helped me to learn about the professional work life on international marketing and dynamic environment. You will find detailed information about my skills and knowledge in presented resume.
I want to continue my career in your organization company it creats World-famous brands in the fashion industry, Im waiting your reply on this subject
isim soyisim
28 Mayıs 2010 Cuma
(Spanish: Partido Socialista Obrero Español, PSOE)
The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol--PSOE) is the oldest political party in Spain. Founded by Pablo Iglesias in 1879 as a Marxist proletarian party, it evolved alongside the trade u nion UGT, which was the basis of its support. İglesis in 1873 applied to join the association of art printers and the folowing year was chosen as its president. From tihis platform he began several years of secret work preparing to start the world’s second workers party. On 22 may 1879, at a renoewd clandestine banquet of international brotherhood in Madrid, twenty-five people founded the socialist workers party. The goal of both organizations was to obtain a voice for the working class in the political arena. As the party began to win parliamentary seats in the 1920s and the early 1930s, its membership began to broaden to include intellectuals, writers, and teachers.
The PSOE was founded with the purpose of representing the interests of the working class born from the industrial revlution with the declared objective of achieving socialism, and inspried by the revolutionary principles of marxsizm. İt is marxist party and socail democracy party.
Psoe is one of the main parties of spain parties. we said he describe a socaila and maxist party. Party is a member of the international socialist organizations. The socialist internatioanal was formed in 1989 and organization have many parties on the different countries ( however republican people party of our countries member to organizations). İts active participation in strikes from 1899 to 1902 and especaially its electoral coalition with the main republican parties led in 1910 to the election of Pablo iglesias as the first socialist representative in the spanish cortes.
The psoe’s first experience as a governing party was during the turbelent second republic, its time of leadership was short lived. The party experienced severe repression under dictator franco, and its leaders went to exile to primarily in france. Party was closed and divided three wings. During the civil war years. Psoe was divided into three parts. First wings a lieftist revolutionary marxist wing led by Francisco largo caballero taht advocated dictatorship of the proletariat, nationalization of every industry, and total redistribution of land; social democrat faction led by indalecio prieto ; and the other wings, reformist led by julian besteiro.
The dictator Francisco franco banned the psoe in 1939 and it was legalized again in 1977. during franco’s rule it was persecuted, with many leaders, members and supporters beings imprisoned or exiled an deven executed.
Froncisco franco terms on the spain
Francisco franco was a spanish military general and head of satet of spain. Franco franco get a governemnt to pseo party with strikes. He was head of sapain from 1936 until his death in november 1975. during Francisco franco terms many socialist parties member was killed, exiled, imporisined, executed by Francisco franco managements. On the dictatorship of Francisco franco the psoe was illegal and it was persecuted.
Many of their leaders and militants were assassinated, improsened or they went to france, the United states or mexico. In the mid-1950s, socialist groups began to organize within Spain; and, in the 1960s a small group of activists, led by two young labor lawyers from Seville (Spanish Sevilla), Alfonso Guerra and Felipe Gonzalez, revived the PSOE and began to agitate for changes within the party. The leaders in exile had fought in the Civil War, and they had strong feelings against compromising the ideological purity of their cause by collaborating with other forces opposing Franco. The younger activists, with no personal memories of the Civil War, were willing to work with other anti Franco groups to the left as well as to the right of the PSOE. These young socialists, who had been strongly influenced by Social Democrats in the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany), also favored a more moderate ideology than the rigid Marxism of the old guard .
After the dictatorsihip government wihich went to abroud came to again to spain. İn the first democratic election it become the second party on the election with 30 % of the votes. However on the on the 25.th congress felipe gonzalez was elected to party leaders. Gonzalez was a reformist. Before gonzalez period making policail is banned by dictatorships Francisco franco. By 1972 the struggle for power between these two groups had been won by the younger generation at twelfth congress in 1974 .
Gonzalez was elected secretary general of the PSOE. the PSOE essentially cooperated with the reform plans set forth by Suarez, as did the other major leftist groups. When the country's first free elections since the Civil War were held in June 1977, the PSOE became Spain's leading opposition party. In 1977 psoe became the official opposition party with 29.9% of the vote and 118 seats in the parliament.
In their 27th congress in May 1979 Gonzalez resigned because of the party would not identified its Marxist character. In September the extraordinary 28th congress was called in which González was re-elected when the party agreed to move away from Marxism. In the referendum of 1978, PSOE supported the Spanish Constitution, which was approved. In the 1979 elections they gained 30.5% of the vote and 121 seats, remaining the main opposition party. On October 28, 1982, the PSOE was victorious, with 48.5% of the vote (10,000,000 total). Felipe González became Prime Minister of Spain on December 2, a position he held until March 1996.
Though the party had previously opposed NATO(north atlantic treaty organization), after reaching the government most party leaders supported keeping Spain inside the organisation. PSOE other hand supported the United States in the First Gulf War (1991) . Filepe Gonzalez lost the election against the conservative PARTİDO POPULAR because of economic crisis, several corruption scandals, state terrorsim and violent separatist group ETA( Basque Homeland and Freedom)
(Euskadi Ta Askatasuna) ETA is an armed Basque nationalist and separatist organization. The group was founded in 1959 and they evolved from a group promoting traditional Basque culture to a pre-military group with the goal of gaining independence for the Greater Basque Country from a Marxist-Leninist perspective .
In 2001, a new general secretary, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero was elected, renewing the party .José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero was born in Valladolid , and he is a lawyer. He grew up in León, where his family originated. Spain's version of September 11 occurred on March 11, 2004, when Al Qaeda operatives bombed commuter trains in Madrid, killing over 200 and wounding more than 1600 people. Three days later, Spaniards flocked to the polls for their parliamentary elections, voting out Jos Maria Aznar of the center-right Popular Party (PP) and giving a surprising victory to Jos Luis Rodriguez Zapatero of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE).
He has reversed many of the policies of his predecessor, some in just five short months after election, most notably his decision to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq. He has designed and implemented a radically different foreign policy, favoring the bastions of Old Europe, France and Germany, over the United States. The radical decision fort he zapatero. Some of the main action taken by the zapatero administration were the spanish troops withdrawal from the ıraq war, which resulted in long term diplomatic tension with the George w. Bush administration, other hand increase of spanish troops in afghanistan the idea of an alliance of civilizations co-sponsored by the turkish prime minister, sex marriage legalization, reform of abortion law a controversial peace negotiation attempt with eta the incease of tobacco restrictions and the reform of various autonomous statues particularly the statute of catalonia.
These diplomatic changes were followed by a true revolution in domestic policies. Zapatero has introduced broad social and cultural reforms, including a bill that legalizes gay marriage and adoption of children, which passed the Congress of Deputies in June 2005. He has proposed a new "fast-track divorce" system which slashes the time it takes to complete the legal process from two years to just ten days.
he has recently opened the door for thousands of illegal immigrants in Spain, granting amnesty to an estimated 800,000 illicit migrants. On 9 March 2008 the PSOE won the Spanish general elections again with José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero remaining Prime Minister of Spain. The Socialists increased their share of seats in the Congress of Deputies from 164 to 169 after the latest election..
23 Mayıs 2010 Pazar
Bdp is making a critics error
Bdp is making a critics error
Joost lagenddıjk is authors of aradikal newspaper that he have been writing cloumns to of radikal. Joost taken constitution packet own yourself cloumns and any more making analysis on the akp and bdp parties. last week joost went american for a conference.the most important things institutions did a conference on the Washington and joost was invited by institution. Kurdish issues argumented and talk by the participants. So many american political man wonder to kurdish issues on the turkey.
A one kurdish party, or democratic social party was closed by supreme court on the last december but a new party was founded by oldest democratic party deputy. Many observation and political man know that this party effect to under Abdullah Öcalan but this party activ under assembly. Anyway many kurdish politics arrested because of know that have a contact with pkk. So this politics were arrested by government.
We know that last yaer government had started kurdish expansion and with this behavir of the government had loved all of people. On this process many arguments and nice news have lifed. Last year constitutional section was changed which is kurdish speaking on the election by government any more is not ban speaking kurdish on the election propagandas. Ahmet türk had came to Washington on the panel so that they wanted to open a new office on the Washington for talk to foreign media and observation.
Dtp closed and a new party opened after the closed party immediately. Before dtp there were many pro-kurdish party were closed by government or constitution. Now government party have want to make a new constitution so that akp party want to support for a new constitution from the oppositions parties; chp, mhp, bdp. On the new constitution have a new section which bans to political party so government party said to media dtp or a new party badp would be m efor a new constitutions but last days btp did not support for a new constitution to government party. This decision for gavernment had disappointmented.
On the other hand we can looks constitutions on the government perspective, according to government party bdp wolud be supported because last years many pro-kurdish parties was closed the result of the constitutions. Bdp of deputy participanted to constitution packet but did not vote positive to government so now, government party angry to oppositon parties. becuse bdp says turkish state do not want to pro kurdish party and did not see our party.
On the other hand pro-kurdish party defend to a new constitutions and want to radica change state. So bdp party had contracted with a new behavior. All fo democrats who are living turkey and abroud democrats people want to remove election dams on the political laws on the constitutions. In conclusion bdp failured last constitutions process I wish bdp gave to vote for change but did not vıte for change banned political party.
iLO nedir ?
1919 yılında kurulmuş olan Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü, ILO, insan haklarının, sosyal adaletin ve çalışma haklarının iyileştirilmesi için çalışan bir Birleşmiş Milletler ihtisas kuruluşudur. Türkiye ILO’ya 1932 yılında üye olmuştur
İLO’nun amacı nedir?
1919 yılında kurulmuş olan Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü, sosyal adaletin ve uluslararası insan ve çalışma haklarının iyileştirilmesi için çalışan bir Birleşmiş Milletler ihtisas kuruluşudur
İnsan haklarına saygı... yeterli yaşam standartları... insanca çalışma koşulları... istihdam olanakları... ekonomik güvence... bunlar ILO'nun her yerde çalışanlara sağlamaya çaba gösterdiği sosyal adaletin temel unsurlarıdır.
Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü, Sözleşmeler ve Tavsiye Kararları yoluyla, çalışma hayatına ilişkin temel haklar, örgütlenme özgürlüğü, toplu pazarlık, zorla çalıştırmanın engellenmesi, fırsat ve muamele eşitliği gibi çalışmaya ilişkin tüm konuları düzenleyici, uluslararası çalışma standartları oluşturur. Mesleki eğitim ve rehabilitasyon, istihdam politikasi, iş hukuku, endüstriyel ilişkiler, çalışma şartları, yönetimin geliştirilmesi, kooperatifler, sosyal güvenlik, çalışma istatistikleri, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği konularında teknik yardım sağlar.Bağımsız iş ve işveren örgütlerinin kurulmasını destekler ve bunlara eğitim ve danışmanlık hizmeti verir. Birleşmiş Milletler sistemi içinde Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü'nün, yönetim kurullarına işçi, işverenin hükümetlerle eşit olarak katıldığı, kendine has olan üçlü bir yapısı vardır.
İLO’nun tarihçesi ?
Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü, 1919’da imzalanan Versay Anlaşmasında öngörülen Milletler Cemiyeti ile ortaya çıkmıştır. Amaç, Birinci Dünya Savaşından sonra giderek büyüyen sorunlara yönelik sosyal reform niteliğinde çözümler bulmak ve reformların uluslararası düzeyde uygulanmasını sağlamaktı.
İkinci Dünya Savaşından sonra, Filadelfiya Bildirgesi ile birlikte, ILO'nun temel amaç ve ilkeleri dinamik bir yeniden oluşum ve genişleme sürecine girmiştir.
ILO 1946’da, henüz yeni oluşturulan Birleşmiş Milletler Teşkilatı'nın ilk uzmanlık kuruluşu olmuştur. ILO 1969’daki 50. kuruluş yıldönümünde Nobel Barış Ödülü’nü kazanmıştır
İLO nasıl çalışır?
Birleşmiş Milletler üyeleri içinde yalnızca ILO üçlü bir yapıya sahip bulunmaktadır; işveren ve işçi temsilcileri ekonominin "sosyal tarafları" politika ve programların şekillendirilmesinde, üçüncü tarafı oluşturan hükümet temsilcileri ile eşit söz hakkına sahiptirler.
Uluslararası asgari çalışma standartları ve ILO’nun genişletilmiş politikaları, her yıl toplanan Uluslararası Çalışma Konferansı’nda belirlenmektedir. ILO üyesi ülkeler tarafından finanse edilen çalışma programı ve bütçesi ise her iki yılda bir aynı Konferans tarafından benimsenmektedir.
Konferansta ayrıca, dünyada çalışanların durumu ve sosyal konulardaki sorunlar ile ilgili tartışmaların yapıldığı uluslararası forumlar gerçekleştirilmektedir. Her üye ülkenin, iki hükümet temsilcisi, bir işveren ve bir işçi ile konferansa katılma hakkı vardır. Bu delegeler, bağımsız olarak söz alabilirler ve oy verebilirler. Konferansın yıllık oturumları arasındaki ILO çalışmaları ise, 28 Hükümet temsilcisi ile 14 işçi ve 14 işveren temsilcisinden oluşan Yönetim Kurulu tarafından sürdürülür.
ILO sekreteryası, merkez büroları, araştırma merkezi ve basımevi Cenevre’deki Uluslararası Çalışma Ofisi’nde faaliyet göstermektedir. 40'ı aşkın ülkede ILO'nun bölge, alan ve ülke ofisleri bulunmaktadır ve yerinden yönetim ilkesine göre çalışmaktadır.
İLO ne yapar?
ILO’nun dört temel stratejik hedefi vardır:
Çalışma yaşamında standartlar, temel ilke ve haklar geliştirmek ve gerçekleştirmek. Kadın ve erkeklerin insana yakışır işlere sahip olabilmeleri için daha fazla fırsat yaratmak, sosyal koruma programlarının kapsamını ve etkinliğini artırmak, üçlü yapıyı ve sosyal diyalogu güçlendirmek.
Bu hedefler bir dizi yolla gerçekleştirilmektedir:
-Temel insan haklarını geliştirmek, çalışma ve yaşam koşullarını iyileştirmek, istihdam olanakları yaratmak üzere uluslararası politika ve programların oluşturulması.
-Uluslararası çalışma standartlarının oluşturulması; bu standartların uygulanmasının izlenmesi için uygun mekanizmanın oluşturulması, standartların ulusal merciilere, söz konusu politikaların hayata geçirilmesinde, yol gösterici olmaktadır.
-Ülkelerin söz konusu politikaları pratikte fiilen gerçekleştirmelerine yardımcı olmak için, kapsamlı bir uluslararası teknik işbirliği programının, sosyal tarafların aktif ortaklığı ile oluşturulması ve uygulanması.
Politikal ve programları nelerdir?
İLO’nun temel sözleşmeleri nelerdir? - Zorla çalıştırma sözleşmesi (1930) - Örgütlenme özgürlüğü ve örgütlenme hakkının korunması sözleşmesi korunması (1948) - Örgütlenme ve toplu sözleşme hakkı sözleşmesi(1949) - Eşit ücret sözleşmesi (1951) - Zorla çalıştırmanın yasaklanması sözleşmesi (1957) - Ayrımcılık (istihdam ve meslek) sözleşmesi (1958) - Asgari yaş sözleşmesi (1973) - Çoçuk işçiliğinin en kötü biçimleri sözleşmesi Zorla çalıştırma sözleşmesi (1930) Sözleşme zorla ya da zorunlu çalıştırmanın her tür biçimine son verilmesini öngörmektedir. Ancak, askerlik hizmeti, mahkumların belirli bir denetime göre çalıştırılmaları, bu arada savaş, yangın ve deprem gibi olağanüstü durumlarda gerek duyulan çalıştırma biçimleri için istisna tanınmaktadır. Örgütlenme özgürlüğü ve örgütlenme hakkının korunması sözleşmesi korunması (1948) |
Bütün işçi ve işverenlerin, önceden izin almaksızın ve serbestçe kendi örgütlerini kurma ve bu örgütlene katılma haklarını güvence altına almakta ve bu örgütlerin resmi görevlilerin müdahalelerinden bağımsız serbestçe işlev görebilmelerini sağlayacak güvenceler getirmektedir.
-Örgütlenme ve toplu sözleşme hakkı sözleşmesi(1949)
Sendika ayrımcılığı gözetilmesine, farklı kesimlerin örgütlerinin birbirlerinin çalışmalarına müdahale etmelerine karşı ve toplu sözleşme düzeninin geliştirilmesine yönelik önlemler getirmektedir.
Eşit ücret sözleşmesi (1951)
Erkek ve kadınların, eşit işlerde eşit ücret ve sosyal haklara sahip olmalarını öngörmektedir."Eşit değerde iş için erkek ve kadın işçiler arasında ücret eşitliği" deyimi, cinsiyet esasına dayanan bir ayırım gözetmeksizin tesbit edilmiş bulunan ücret hadlerini ifade eder. Her üye, ücret hadlerinin tesbitiyle ilgili olarak yürürlükte bulunan usullere uygun yollardan, eşit değerde iş için erkek ve kadın işçiler arasında ücret eşitliği prensibini teşvik ve bu prensibin bütün işçilere uygulanmasını, sözü edilen usullerle telifi kabil olduğu nispette temin edecektir.
Zorla çalıştırmanın yasaklanması sözleşmesi (1957)
Zorla ya da zorunlu çalıştırmanın herhangi bir biçiminin siyasal zorlama ve eğitme, siyasal ya da ideolojik görüşlerin açıklanması nedeniyle cezalandırma, işgücünü harekete geçirme, çalışma disiplinini sağlama, ayrımcılık ve grevi katılanları cezalandırma aracı olarak kullanılmasını yasaklamaktadır.
Ayrımcılık (istihdam ve meslek) sözleşmesi (1958)
İş verme, eğitim ve çalışma koşullarının düzenlenmesinde ırk, renk, cinsiyet,din, siyasal görüş, ulusal kimlik ve sosyal köken temelinde ayrımcılık yapılmasının ulusal politikalarla önlenmesi, fırsat ve uygulama alanında eşitliği geliştirme çağrısında bulunmaktadır.
Asgari yaş sözleşmesi (1973)
İşe kabulde asgari yaşın zorunlu temel eğitimin tamamlandığı yaştan daha düşük olamayacağını öngörerek çocuk işçiliğinin ortadan kaldırılmasını amaçlamaktadır.
Bu sözleşmenin kendisi için yürürlükte olduğu her üye, çocuk işçiliğini etkin bir şekilde ortadan kaldırmayı ve istihdama ve çalışmaya kabul için asgari yaşın giderek gençlerin fiziksel ve zihinsel yönden tam olarak gelişmelerine olanak tanıyacak bir düzeye yükseltilmesini sağlayan ulusal bir politika takip etmeyi kabul eder.
Çoçuk işçiliğinin en kötü biçimleri sözleşmesi
Çocuk işçiliğinin en kötü biçimlerinin acilen ve etkili biçimde ortadan kaldırılmasını sağlayacak önlemlerin alınmasını öngörmektedir. Çocuk işçiliğinin en kötü biçimleri arasında kölelik ve benzeri koşullarda çalıştırılma, silahlı çatışmalarda kullanılmak üzere zorla askere alınma, fuhuş ve pornografi amaçlarıyla ve yasa dışı işlerde kullanılma ve bu arada çocukların sağlığına, güvenliğine ve ahlaki değerlerine zarar verecek işler yer almaktadır
¡ Ek bilgiler
-Küçük yaşta calıştırma
-6-17 yas grubundaki 16,264,000 çocuktan 958,000 çocuk çalısma yasamı içinde yer alıyor. Bu verilere göre 1994 yılında 6-17 yas grubunun yüzde 15.2’si çalısırken, 1999’da bu oran yüzde 10.3’e, 2006’da ise yüzde 5.9’a gerilemis durumdadır.
-6-14 yas grubuna bakıldıgında 12,478,000 çocuktan 320,000 çocugun çalıstıgı görülmektedir. Bu veriler Ekim 1999 verileriyle karsılastırıldıgında çalısan çocuk/çag nüfusu oranının yüzde 5.1’den yüzde 2.6’ya geriledigini göstermektedir.
¡ Kaynak :
İlo main page http://www.ilo.org/global/lang--en/index.htm
Türkiye sayfası ilo’nun http://www.ilo.org/public/turkish/region/eurpro/ankara/areas/index.htm#top
Diğer sayfalar : http://www.mazlumder.org/haber_detay.asp?haberID=214
Çalışma ve sosyal güvenlik bakanlığı sayfası http://www.diyih.gov.tr/article.php?article_id=31
Ders : İnsan Hakları
Ödev Konusu: (ilo) Uluslararası Çalışma Örgütü
18 Nisan 2010 Pazar
Education and morals system of the arabs broken. how much more we will belt explosive of the women and children? When time same people leave to sympathize to carry weapons?
morals systems have a breakdown and about education systems have breakdown on the cultural systems.we are not succesful management to dialogue and argument even though hide back to slogons, poems, idiom of the grief.those slogons, idioms, all of values say to us that must be teach manners on the arguments, enmity even more wars.fights and policy crises have occure because of footbal games. We are witnessing insult and exploite on the newspaper page and politics corridors even more arap union summit. Morever, do not accountability and dismissal who says lies. Saddam hussein was overthrown oldest ıraq president but anyone did not overthrown his sovereign on the representattive arabs world, nor accept to of the Saddam petrol and which come to whisky. Saddam hussein died and we forget all things. Represantative of Saddam contunied to remain on the policy and media stage.
There was nor control and inspections…
Fall on the dialog common denominator
All of not limit so much. We can find among to use who sympathize to carry weapons. Weapons persons cut innocent head and taken to god forbidden to life trying to lies fort them. Shout cultere on the television programs became claims whose degree competitions, faculty officals or science students occured common denominator fall dialogs.
You will be see values ranks like talks policy İslam, women rights, minority.at the moment living condition from atlantic ocean to all of arab world.you can not anything creation and optimistic from television serial to movies and everything have violence, sex, narcotic, divorce on the enjoy sector. This case do not give to positive light our life and we are not show to respect to creative people.
Education tools have backwarded
Education systems and using tools backward on the arab world back to basis principles our educations are not creative. moral systems are not rewiev to change challange and contemprary changes. teachers and professors forget to professionals. Their missions are development to themselves and taught to everyhing to take age and take to their horizons.
However, institution forget developing to education tool before to basis principles content development. Those need to sciences and material development. That is true to this method implementation but reality scare and espaciality regularly population developing quickly developing to tools on the century future is unknown.
Graves being bombed even
These my expressions that means to take preach or anger everywhere trying to research reality ranks.when we will be say enough? How we can see waist belt of explosives wrapped a child 10 year old would be case? When we will say not? How we can remain silence explosives force children and women wearing belt explosives? Evenmore how much we can silent paces worship, people, animals even cemetery are bombing? Our religion taught to us not to betray, not to women, children, old people, innocent people,and not to kill to prisoners of war, not to cuts trees, or buidings were taughtnot to collepse? Why we not admit that teher is a real failure and and we give up to repair weak excuses?
12 Nisan 2010 Pazartesi
1994 yılında gazeteciliğe başlayan Evrim Alataş, bugüne kadar Yeni Politika, Demokrasi, Özgür Bakış, Ülkede Özgür Gündem, Evrensel,Birgün, Özgür Politika, Esmer dergisinde görev aldı. Alataş son olarak Taraf Gazetesi'nde köşe yazarlığı yapıyordu.
Gazeteci-yazar Alataş'ın 'Mayoz Bölünme Hikayeleri' ve 'Her Dağın Gölgesi Deniz'e Düşer' adlı kitapları bulunuyordu.
8 Nisan 2010 Perşembe
Need to cut share or mustaches
How Merkel can keep up determination Turkey ’s full membership on the European Union. A morning, which is one of Germany ’s most important technology park in Alderson. 30 year old physicist entered the institute of center physical chemistry everyday at seven o’clock the quarter. In the his hands has a pitcher Turkish coffee to offer their counterparts, physicists have recently completed doctoral dissertation, working in the academy of sciences, twenty-five years later on a television program against to leader of the German Social Democrat Frank-Walter. As a German chancellor and would not bring it to mind.
Angela Merkel’s before visit to Turkey, two words was reached by pres that some kind of allergic effect in Turkey: first, privileged partnership, before two years ago, prime minister recap Tayyip Erdoğan speaking of sentence to remember by opposite group: the Turkish schools should be open on the Germany .
Last week occurred this tension, is not visiting the poor, rather than really super floes, and instead of spending time with supererogatory kindness really is pregnant with his head that openers can be a sign the decision. Physicist Merkel as know very well, ‘each impulse response gives birth’’. This effect and reactions may go accelerate traffic; two countries are also having a reflection change process that occurred battle messages.
YARAÇ, Nevra (2010) Ya traşı kesmek gerek, ya da bıyıkları, Türkiye Newsweek, 4 Nisan
Kayıtlar (Atom)